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Situation on Korean peninsula, nuclear security feature in Ban's talks in Seoul

Situation on Korean peninsula, nuclear security feature in Ban's talks in Seoul

Secretary-General Ban Ki-mon (right) and President Lee Myung Bak of the Republic of Korea (file)
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the President of the Republic of Korea (ROK), Lee Myung-bak, held talks in Seoul today, focusing on issues such as the situation on the Korean peninsula, global nuclear security and the crisis in Syria.

Mr. Ban, who is currently on an official visit to his native ROK, reiterated serious concern about the announcement earlier this month of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to launch a so-called “application satellite” next month, according to information released by the Secretary-General's spokesperson.

He renewed his call on the DPRK to fully comply with relevant Security Council resolutions, particularly resolution 1874 of 2009 which bans “any launch using ballistic missile technology.”

He also urged Pyongyang to reconsider its decision in line with its recent undertaking to refrain from long-range missile launches.

The Secretary-General shared the deep concern of the ROK Government about dislocated people from the DPRK, and encouraged the concerned parties to do their utmost to find a mutually agreeable solution.

He also congratulated Seoul on hosting the two-day Nuclear Security Summit that will begin on Monday and draw a number of world leaders. He commended the leadership role of Mr. Lee in advancing the international community's efforts to prevent nuclear terrorism and strengthen the global nuclear security and safety regime.

The two leaders also discussed the country's contribution to peacekeeping and the ongoing crisis in Syria, with Mr. Ban briefing the President on Joint Special Envoy Kofi Annan's efforts to secure an end to violence and to gain unhindered humanitarian access.