Global perspective Human stories

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Martina Sandoval, UNPOL officer from El Salvador, serving in UNMISS, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan.
UNMISS/Gregório Cunha

First Person: Women peacekeepers a ‘powerful image for girls in remote villages’

Deputy Inspector Martina de Maria Sandoval Linares, from El Salvador always wanted to help others. Now, working as a UN Police officer, she has found her vocation, far from home in South Sudan. Ms. Linares, whose eight-year-old daughter and family are back in El Salvador, told UN News why the job is so rewarding, despite the sacrifices she makes.

Disha project to empower women and create livelihoods for women entrepreneurs in India.
UNDP India

First Person: Fighting for women’s financial freedom

Around the world, the opportunities for women to lead successful, financially secure lives are being limited by government legislation, company policies and deep-rooted misogyny. The UN is leading efforts to give women more access to digital financial tools, seen as essential to playing a full part in the global economy.