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‘We have an obligation to solve the hunger problem’: award-winning chef Andrew Zimmern  

‘We have an obligation to solve the hunger problem’: award-winning chef Andrew Zimmern  


Globally, enough food is produced to feed the world’s seven billion people, and yet 811 million still go to bed hungry each night.  

Award-winning chef and TV personality Andrew Zimmern was recently named a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), expanding his global advocacy to fight hunger and food waste around the world.  

In an interview with UN News, Mr. Zimmern speaks about the implications posed by a growing food crisis, and how, as a “land of plenty”, the United States has a responsibility to help solve the hunger problem.  

UN News’s Bessie Du starts by asking him what it means to be a Goodwill Ambassador for WFP.  

Audio Credit
Bessie Du, UN News - Chinese
Photo Credit
Andrew Zimmern