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Sudan: Finding consensus to move forward a ‘challenge’: UN mission chief 

Sudan: Finding consensus to move forward a ‘challenge’: UN mission chief 


Finding a national consensus to move forward following October’s military takeover of Sudan’s government, and subsequent reappointment of the civilian Prime Minister, is going to be a challenge, but discussions to restore trust are underway.

That’s according to the top UN official in the country, Volker Perthes, who also heads the UN assistance mission in Sudan, UNITAMS. 

In an interview with UN News’s Abdelmonem Makki, Mr. Perthes also spoke about the de-escalation of tension in the restive Darfur region, and about the overall future of Sudan, where he believes that a return to full democratic government, is still possible.

Audio Credit
Abdelmonem Makki - UN News, Arabic
Audio Duration
Photo Credit
UN Photo/Loey Felipe