Global perspective Human stories

‘Pride and dignity’ of the American worker highlighted in ILO project

‘Pride and dignity’ of the American worker highlighted in ILO project


What does a crawfish farmer have in common with a taxidermist, or a voodoo priestess, or a long-haul heavy-load truck driver….?  

The answer, according to the Director of the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) office for the United States, is a quiet dignity and pride in their jobs. 

The ILO is currently undertaking a photography project called “Dignity at Work: The American Experience”, which is documenting the jobs of hundreds of American workers in around 100 cities across the United States.  

The ILO, a specialized United Nations agency, which is celebrating its centenary this year, focuses on advancing social justice and promoting decent work not just in the US but across the world. 

Daniel Dickinson spoke to the ILO’s US Director Kevin Cassidy during a visit to the southern US state of Louisiana and asked him to explain what the project is hoping to achieve.  

Audio Credit
Daniel Dickinson, UN News
Photo Credit
ILO Photo/John Isaac