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Climate Summit Special: Some States rise to Guterres’ challenge

Climate Summit Special: Some States rise to Guterres’ challenge


Ahead of the UN’s Climate Action Summit on 23 September, the Secretary-General urged Member States to come with “concrete” solutions to the climate crisis, not just speeches

On Monday, some Member States rose to that challenge. Kicking off the 74th General Assembly session at UN headquarters in New York, delegates presented long-term strategies to achieve carbon neutrality throughout the day-long Summit, a springboard for action on climate solutions.  

In this special Climate  Summit edition of our flagship Lid is On podcast, participants explained just how they plan on doing their part, owning the pledge to curb carbon emissions as outlined in the 2015 Paris Climate Accord.

Music credit: Audiobinger, China Town

Audio Credit
Natalie Hutchison/UN News
Photo Credit
UN Photo/Cia Pak