Global perspective Human stories

UN Gender Focus: South Sudan, young women's rights and religion

UN Gender Focus: South Sudan, young women's rights and religion


Women and children plead for peace in South Sudan ‘ghost town’

Women and children are urging authorities in South Sudan to restore peace in the town of Yei. Violence between Government and opposition forces which erupted last year has forced thousands to flee. Yei was once the country’s breadbasket but it is practically a ghost town, according to the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). The ongoing insecurity means that people cannot tend their crops…and they’re going hungry. Dianne Penn reports.


Ashley Ngwenya. Photo: UN News/Liz Scaffidi

Empowering young women to speak for themselves

When it comes to young women’s right to access reproductive health care, “knowledge is power,” according to an activist from Zimbabwe. Ashley Ngwenya is part of a youth coalition called ACT!2030 which advocates for better policies in the areas of sexual and reproductive health education and services. She was at the UN to take part in a high-level forum on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which aim to create a more just and equitable planet for all people by 2030. Ashley spoke to Liz Scaffidi about her efforts to empower young women, particularly in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

Participants at the launch of the Plan of Action for Religious Leaders and Actors to Prevent Incitement to Violence that Could Lead to Atrocity Crimes, also known as the Fez Plan of Action. UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

More women needed in religious leadership roles to help prevent atrocities

More women are needed in religious leadership roles to help realize a new plan to prevent future atrocity crimes. That’s the view of Isabel Apawo Phiri, Deputy General Secretary for Public Witness at the World Council of Churches, based in Geneva. She was at UN Headquarters in New York to launch the so-called Fez Plan of Action; the result of two years of intense consultations with religious leaders, and organizations aimed at preventing incitement to commit genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Ms Piri outlined the most important recommendations to Matthew Wells.

Presenter: Dianne Penn

Production Assistant: Ana Carmo

Duration: 10'00″

Audio Duration
Photo Credit