Global perspective Human stories

UN and Africa: focus on DRC agreement, tobacco and refugees

UN and Africa: focus on DRC agreement, tobacco and refugees


Peacekeeping chief urges swift implementation of DRC agreement

The UN Security Council has been urged to continue calling for the swift endorsement of a recent political agreement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The appeal was made by UN peacekeeping chief, Hervé Ladsous who has updated members on political and security developments in the country. Government and opposition groups had signed an agreement in late December related to the electoral process. Dianne Penn reports.


Somali man smokes a cigarette. UN Photo/Tobin Jones

“Time bomb” of tobacco related diseases in Africa

The increased use of tobacco in Africa could lead to a “time bomb” of health- related problems according to the World Health Organization. WHO has recently published The Economics of Tobacco and Tobacco Control report, which shows that while the global consumption of tobacco is declining, in Africa the reverse is happening. Daniel Dickinson has been speaking to Evan Blecher, an economist with WHO in Geneva.

Refugees from South Sudan arrive in Elegu, northern Uganda Photo: UNHCR/Will Swanson

Lack of funds compromising refugee response in Uganda

Thousands of refugees, who are entering Uganda on a daily basis from three neighbouring countries, are not getting the support they need due to a lack of funding according to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). The East African country received more than half a million new refugees from South Sudan, The Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi last year. UNHCR’s Charles Yaxley is based in Uganda. Rosemary Musumba asked him about the influx of refugees.

Presenter: Daniel Dickinson

Production Assistant: Sandra Guy

Duration: 10’00″

Photo Credit