Global perspective Human stories

UN Gender Focus: women in Colombia, students in Iraq and gender parity

UN Gender Focus: women in Colombia, students in Iraq and gender parity


Women’s representation in Colombia’s judicial system remains low

The number of women representing Colombia’s judiciary remains low and this, in turn, exacerbates gender inequality problems in the country. That view is expressed by Belen Sanz, Country Representative of UN Women in Colombia. She says gender stereotypes make it “extremely difficult” for women to run for office in Colombia. Andita Listyarini has been speaking to Ms Sanz about the barriers women face.

Students in Iraq. Photo: UNICEF/Wathiq Khuzaie (file photo)

Iraqis return to the classroom after ISIL driven out

ISIL terrorists may have attempted “to destroy our way of life” according to one young Iraqi student in the liberated town of Qayyarah, but now they’re back in the classroom. 16-year-old Nisreen, and her father Tareq, have been describing their ordeal living under ISIL occupation, telling the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), that they refused to be indoctrinated. ISIL fighters overran large parts of Iraq in 2014, but a government counter-offensive last year has recovered much of the territory lost. UNICEF has been working with the government, World Bank and UNESCO to implement a National Education Strategy for all school-age children. Matthew Wells reports.

HERstory exhibition. UN Photo/Andita Listyarini

There’s still “far to go” to incorporate women leadership in the UN

Although the UN has made great strides towards gender equality within the organization, there’s still “far to go”. That’s according to Ourania Yancopoulos, Project Manager and Lead Researcher of HERStory, an exhibition showcasing women leadership in the UN. As of June this year, she said, only 34 out of 159 senior level positions in the UN are held by women, although that is set to change following the appointment of António Guterres as Secretary-General of the organization. Ms Yancopoulos explained to Andita Listyarini how the UN can become a real beacon of gender parity in the future.

Presenter: Andita Listyarini

Production Assistant: Sandra Guy

Duration: 10'00″

Photo Credit
Charlotte Kesl/World Bank