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OHCHR in oPt

‘Leaving no stone unturned’: Documenting rights violations in Gaza

The decades-long occupation compounded by Israel’s economic blockade and current military campaign in Gaza, highlights the importance of meticulously documenting alleged rights abuses, according to the head of the UN rights office in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Ajith Sunghay.

He says its crucial for informed decision-making and to counter disinformation: “We do not want to leave any stone unturned in order to bring the world's attention to the problems in Gaza,” he explains in an interview with UN News’s Anton Uspensky. 

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Children in Haiti 'terrorised and traumatised' by violence

Children in Haiti are “terrorised and traumatised” by the gang violence which continues across the country’s capital, killing people and forcing them to flee their homes. That’s according to the UNICEF representative in the Caribbean island country, Bruno Maes.

Armed gangs reportedly now control 80 to 90 per cent of Port-au-Prince, and over 360,000 people – the majority of them children – have been displaced.

UN News/Jessica Jiji

Gaza photojournalist Motaz Azaiza still has hope in humanity

An award-winning Palestinian photojournalist said he has lost trust in the world but maintains hope in its people.

Motaz Azaiza has garnered global recognition for his arresting coverage of the current hostilities in Gaza, earning him millions of followers on Instagram. 

He has been travelling the world to raise awareness and was at UN Headquarters in New York on Thursday to meet senior officials.

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UN News/Anton Uspensky

People with disabilities need more support in rapidly changing world: rights expert

In today's rapidly evolving world, characterized by conflicts, climate change, and the advent of new technologies like AI, navigating that can be daunting for anyone. However, for individuals with disabilities, even minor shifts can significantly impact their lives.

Egyptian sociologist Heba Hagrass is the Special Rapporteur – or Human Rights Council-appointed independent human rights expert - on the rights of persons with disabilities.


First UN aid mission to Sudan reveals dramatic human cost of war

The war between rival militaries in Sudan doesn’t get the international attention it deserves, UN humanitarians said on Thursday, as they described the terrible human cost of nearly 12 months of conflict across the country.

According to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) 24 million children in Sudan have been exposed to the conflict which shows no sign of letting up - and a staggering 730,000 are severely acutely malnourished. 


‘Paper thin’ children of Gaza leave helpless parents in despair: UNICEF’s James Elder

The north of Gaza is utterly devastated while “paper-thin” children cling on to life, even when they are in hospital, said the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Spokesperson James Elder, in an interview with UN News on Friday.

He’s been seeing the reality of malnutrition and dehydration up close on a recent mission to Gaza and told Daniel Johnson that the only way to end the desperation is to ensure a regular supply of aid.

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Suffering in silence: Gaza’s malnourished babies are dying ‘in their tens, in the 20s’

The entire Gaza Strip now has just 12 partially functioning hospitals where cases of severe acute malnutrition among newborns in northern governorates are likely already “overwhelming” medical teams, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday.

Backing repeated international calls for a ceasefire to allow more desperately needed aid into the enclave, WHO spokesperson Dr Margaret Harris warned that many “horrifically” underweight infants “are now dying”, after nearly six months of conflict. 

© UNOCHA/Olga Cherevko

WATCH: Clearing munitions from Gaza 'years and years of work'

The residents of Gaza have faced unimaginable horrors since October. The massive bombardments that pummelled the territory over the last five months have flattened entire neighbourhoods, and when reconstruction eventually begins, the costs are likely to be in the tens of billions.

That reconstruction will be hampered by an unwelcome, deadly, hangover from the conflict: unexploded bombs, missiles, and other types of munitions.

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