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Science truly invested in human dignity: Jordanian princess

Science is truly invested in human dignity and can be used to improve the quality of people’s lives, the president of the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan has said.

Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan of Jordan made the remarks following her keynote address at the Science and Technology Conference 2017 held this week in Vienna, Austria.

The Conference was convened by the Preparatory Commission for the Treaty, widely known as the CTBTO.

UN Women/Ryan Brown

“Sisterhood” needed as battle over women's rights intensifies: expert

Women are being urged by a UN independent expert to “open their eyes” and form a “real sisterhood” to counter the “alarming backlash” against women’s rights underway in many parts of the world.

Alda Facio, Chairperson of the Working Group on the Issue of Discrimination against Women in Law and in Practice made the remarks on Thursday.

The group released a statement warning that the very concept of gender equality was being increasingly contested in some quarters.

UN Photo/R. Riveros

UN nuclear test ban needs to be enforced, says Uruguay’s vice minister

A ban on all nuclear testing would send a “clear message” that the international community is determined to achieve a nuclear-free world.

That’s what José Luis Cancela, Uruguay’s vice minister of foreign affairs, said during the Science and Technology Conference 2017 in Vienna, Austria.

The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, which prohibits all nuclear explosions, was adopted by the UN General Assembly 20 years ago but it has yet to come into force.


UN remains “fully committed” to Libya, says Mission deputy

A grenade attack on a United Nations convoy in Libya will not shake the organisation’s commitment to the country, a senior UN official there said on Thursday.

Maria do Valle Ribeiro, Deputy Head of the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), confirmed that 14 people had been travelling from Surmon to Tripoli when a rocket-propelled grenade hit their armoured vehicle on Wednesday.

“Protect the girls, respect the women,” says Sierra Leone minister

Protecting girls from forced or underage initiations like female circumcision has always been a focus of Sylvia Blyden, Sierra Leone’s Minister of Gender and Social Affairs.

She made the remarks on the margins of a disability conference at UN headquarters in New York that was held in June.

Sierra Leone is one of the 28 African countries where the procedure is practised, according to the World Health Organization or WHO.

UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

Girls and boys are missing out on education: UN deputy chief

So many girls are missing out on education but so are boys, the UN deputy chief said on Wednesday on the margins of a high-level meeting of the General Assembly.

Amina Mohammed was a key speaker at the one-day event which brings together education experts from around the world to discuss ways to advance action on Sustainable Development Goal 4.

SDG 4 seeks to “ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning.”

UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré

Al-Jazeera call is “draconian” censorship, says expert

An alleged call to Qatar to close down a major broadcaster in exchange for the lifting of sanctions would be a “draconian” form of “extra-territorial censorship”, a senior UN-appointed rights investigator has said.

David Kaye, who’s the Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression, made the comments after it was reported that the demand to shut Al-Jazeera was among a list of requirements issued to Qatar by other Gulf States and Egypt.


Youth “essential” in push for nuclear weapon-free world

Young people can help mobilize support for a nuclear weapon-free world by spreading the word through social media, according to the head of a UN partner organisation working to end nuclear testing.

Lassina Zerbo, Secretary-General of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) was speaking ahead of a meeting which opens on Tuesday and runs through Friday.