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UN Photo/Isaac Billy

South Sudan swears in transitional unity government

The formation of a transitional unity government in South Sudan should result in action to tackle the numerous issues the world’s youngest nation is facing, according to the spokesperson at the UN mission there.

The coalition government headed by President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Riek Machar was sworn in on Friday in the capital, Juba.

UNICEF/Aho Yousef

Recent attacks in Syria show “monstrous disregard” for civilians

The latest violence in Syria reveals “a monstrous disregard for civilian lives” by all sides to the country’s conflict, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has stated.

Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein said the bombing this week of a key hospital in the city of Aleppo and deadly blasts at busy markets in other towns indicate that the carnage is returning to levels not seen since the start of a ceasefire in late February.


Syria human toll and suffering “sickening and obscene”: UN

The human toll and suffering in Syria is “sickening and obscene” in a senseless fight where there is nothing much to gain, a senior UN official has warned.

In a latest incident, 20 people were killed including two doctors when two rockets hit a hospital in Aleppo city, a grave violation of international humanitarian law.

Meanwhile, the increasing level of violence in the country over the last two weeks could lead to a potential collapse of a recently negotiated truce.

Jocelyne Sambira has the details.

UN Photo/Mark Garten

Developing nations need assistance to build “green” economies

Developing nations need assistance to build “green” economies or they will continue to have to rely on fossil fuels and non-renewable resources.

That’s the warning from Amina Mohammed, Nigeria’s Environment Minister and a former Special Advisor to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon.

Ms Mohammed helped author the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and attended this month’s signing of the Paris Agreement on climate action at UN Headquarters in New York.

UN Radio Arabic Unit

Rise in arrests of young Palestinians

The number of Palestinian children arrested by Israeli authorities has doubled in the past four years, according to an advocate from the region.

Khaled Quzmar, General Director of Defense for Children International-Palestine, says 440 young people have been detained, some as young as 12-years-old.

Mr Quzmar was at the UN to participate in a briefing aimed at raising awareness about Palestinian children who have been arrested for non-violent and violent acts of resistance.

World Bank/Graham Crouch

Asia-Pacific productivity "under threat and needs reform”

The Asia-Pacific region is an economic powerhouse but urgently needs to rethink its economic strategy if it’s to stay that way, UN experts said Thursday.

Latest data from the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) shows that although the region is likely to see stable growth in 2017, productivity is down and inequality growing.

Video capture "Senegal: Let the Sun Shine"/IFAD

Solar power saves women farmers in Senegal

Good farming practices and solar energy have helped to save a women’s agricultural cooperative in Senegal.

The 65 members were about to give up on growing vegetables due to soil degradation caused by low rainfall.

However, investment by the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has brought solar-powered pumps—and a steady supply of water—to their community.

Sam Cole has the story.

Duration: 3'32"

UN embraces concept of “sustaining peace”

“Ground-breaking” resolutions on peacebuilding have been adopted by the UN in an effort to streamline its approach to tackling conflict, a senior UN official has said.

The resolutions aim to reduce the high human cost from so many simultaneous security and humanitarian crises.

The organization is looking beyond post-conflict peacebuilding to embrace the concept of “sustaining peace,” which encompasses all stages of a conflict.