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A displaced man who fled his village now lives in a tent settlement on the outskirts of Marib in Yemen.
UNOCHA/Giles Clarke

Stopping the march towards famine: A UN Resident Coordinator blog

Seven years into a brutal conflict, Yemen is heavily dependent on humanitarian assistance, but the UN is intent on avoiding a repeat of the worst periods of famine and malnutrition its citizens have suffered. On a recent visit to UN headquarters in New York, David Gressly, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, told UN News that, although emergency funds have been received, the humanitarian response remains severely underfunded.

Maghrabah district in Hajjah governorate in Yemen is one of 11 districts in the country with famine-like conditions.
© WFP/Mohammed Awadh

Millions in Yemen ‘a step away from starvation’

The crisis in Yemen, now in its seventh year of war, continues unabated, with thousands of people displaced and millions “a step away from starvation”, the UN Humanitarian Relief Coordinator said on Wednesday during a high-level side event on the margins of the 76th General Assembly.

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