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First UN aid mission to Sudan reveals dramatic human cost of war

First UN aid mission to Sudan reveals dramatic human cost of war


The war between rival militaries in Sudan doesn’t get the international attention it deserves, UN humanitarians said on Thursday, as they described the terrible human cost of nearly 12 months of conflict across the country.

According to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) 24 million children in Sudan have been exposed to the conflict which shows no sign of letting up - and a staggering 730,000 are severely acutely malnourished. 

Jill Lawler - Chief of Field Operations in Sudan for UNICEF - is one of the UN humanitarians leading the aid effort for those in need, including in Omdurman city near Khartoum. 

She told UN News’s Daniel Johnson, what she had seen.

Audio Credit
Daniel Johnson, UN News
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