Global perspective Human stories

PODCAST: The future of water

PODCAST: The future of water


Unless drastic changes are made the future of water looks bleak.

On World Meteorological Day, held on 23 March, Conor Lennon spoke to Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organisation, Lindsey Blodgétt, Former President of the World Youth Parliament for Water, and Maarten van Aalst, Director of the Dutch Royal Meteorological Institute, about the changes that societies need to make, in order to cope with the changing climate in the coming years.

This episode was recorded live as one of the SDG Media Zone sessions at the UN Water Conference, which took place between 22 and 24 March.

Music: Within the Earth, Ketsa

Audio Credit
UN News/ Conor Lennon
Photo Credit
UNDP Chad/Jean Damascene Hakuzim