Global perspective Human stories

PODCAST: The power of dialogue to bring peace

PODCAST: The power of dialogue to bring peace


The world has never been more inter-connected, but this has made it easier than ever before to spread disinformation, hate speech, and information that divides, and causes fear and mistrust.

Intercultural dialogue has been described as an antidote to rejection and violence. But can it really make a difference in a world where toxic language and conflict make headlines, generate more clicks and, or so it often seems, wins votes?

On this episode of The Lid Is On, Conor Lennon talks to Karabo Mokgonyana is an award-winning Activist and Lawyer from South Africa, and Gabriela Ramos, the Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO, the UN agency for education, science and culture.

Music: Within the Earth, Ketsa

Audio Credit
UN News/ Conor Lennon
Audio Duration
Photo Credit
UN Haiti/Jonathan Boulet-Groulx