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‘Don’t give up on the Central African Republic’, urges UN humanitarian coordinator

‘Don’t give up on the Central African Republic’, urges UN humanitarian coordinator


Don’t give up on the people of the Central African Republic, or CAR, or the chance that a lasting peace can finally be established there.

That’s the plea from Najat Rochdi, who is UN Deputy Special Representative in CAR, as well as humanitarian coordinator there.

In an interview with UN News on Wednesday, she explained that 64 per cent of people there need assistance this year, and the humanitarian budget for the year is less than 40 per cent funded.

Ms. Rochdi outlined to Liz Scaffidi, the key challenges her UN teams face in CAR, and explained the value of being at UN Headquarters in New York during the busiest week of the year.

Audio Credit
Liz Scaffidi, UN News
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Photo Credit
UN Photo/Manuel Elías