Global perspective Human stories

UN Gender Focus: economic empowerment, women rights and “sex education” for girls and boys

UN Gender Focus: economic empowerment, women rights and “sex education” for girls and boys


Women’s economic empowerment is “uniquely important”: UN chief

Women’s economic empowerment is a “uniquely important” way to give women more control over their lives and promote genuine equality. That’s the view of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, speaking at the launch of a High-Level Panel report on the issue. The UN chief set the panel up earlier this year, aiming to place women’s economic empowerment “at the top of the global agenda.” Matthew Wells reports.

Trisha Shetty. UN Photo/Priyanka Shankar

Indian “change-maker” educates women about rights

A 25-year old lawyer from India who has been nominated as a UN Young Leader for the Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, says she can improve the situation of women in her country by informing them of their rights. Trisha Shetty will act as an advocate for SDG 5, the internationally-agreed goal which focuses on gender equality and empowerment. She was chosen as one of 17 change-makers for each of the goals. She’s been speaking to Daniel Dickinson.

Mathato Mosisili. Photo:UN

Culture in Africa a barrier to “sex education” for girls and boys

African parents cannot talk openly to their children about sexual relations because of cultural barriers, according to the First Lady of the Kingdom of Lesotho. Mathato Mosisili was at the UN in New York to attend a High-Level Event on the sexual reproductive health of adolescent girls across Africa. She is a member of the Organisation of First Ladies against HIV and AIDS which also engages in maternal, neonatal and child health care as well as cervical cancer. Unplanned pregnancies, cross-generational relationships, early marriage and peer pressure are some of the issues that affect young girls, the UN says. Ms Mosisili told Jocelyne Sambira how lack of communication is making matters worse.

Presenter: Dianne Penn

Production Assistant: Sandra Guy

Duration: 10’00″

Audio Duration
Photo Credit
World Bank/Dominic Chavez