Global perspective Human stories

“Historic racial targeting” in the US is “dangerous” for peaceful assembly

“Historic racial targeting” in the US is “dangerous” for peaceful assembly


The ‘historic racial targeting by police’ can be dangerous for citizens’ rights to peacefully assemble in the United States.

That’s according to Maina Kiai, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to peaceful assembly and of association.

Kiai has been touring countries to assess the state of their civil rights.

For the last four months he has been in the US.

After visiting a series of countries, Mr Kiai said that the right to assemble was being taken away at “unprecedented rates”.

Laura Jarriel began by asking him to explain why.

Duration: 3’17”

Photo Credit
Protestors in New York City demonstrate in the wake of the verdict in the case of the police shooting of Missouri teenager Michael Brown (24 November 2014). UN File Photo/Jacques Baudrier