Global perspective Human stories

UN Gender Focus: empowerment of women and girls

UN Gender Focus: empowerment of women and girls


More women, girls die during disasters than men: UN

More women than men died during the Indian Ocean Tsunami and Cyclone Gorki in Bangladesh, UN human rights monitors have heard. At a meeting organized by the UN Convention on ending discrimination against women known as CEDAW, experts discussed the scale of the problem and how women and girls could play a greater role in reducing the risk of disasters occurring. For example, Women and girls can participate in drills, send flood alerts through mobile phones and volunteer to sit on flood control boards. Jocelyne Sambira reports.

Youth Forum. UN Photo/Loey Felipe

Girls need to know about the UN

It’s important that girls understand what’s happening at the United Nations as decisions made at the global body can directly affect them. That’s the opinion of Sharon Joslyn, a member of The Grail, an international non-governmental organization that seeks to empower women to transform the world. The NGO is bringing girls to UN Headquarters this month for the 60th session of the Commission on the Status of Women. The CSW, as it’s known, helps to shape global standards on gender equality. Matthew Wells asked Ms Joslyn if the current international climate makes it difficult to be a girl.  

Ndacayisaba Goretti speaks at the launch of the Global Acceleration Instrument. Photo: UN Women

Women and girls to become “influencers, not only beneficiaries”

Investment in women and girls is vital so that they can become involved in and influence issues that affect them directly. That’s according to one of the speakers at the recent launch of the new Global Acceleration Instrument on Women, Peace and Security, and Humanitarian Action. The instrument will provide resources to women’s civil society organizations working in conflict prevention, conflict resolution, and recovery efforts. Ndacayisaba Goretti is the executive director of the Dushirehamwe Association, a women’s network in Burundi that works for peace and women’s rights. She spoke to Janie Cangelosi.

Presenter: Daniel Dickinson

Production Assistant: Ana Carmo

Duration: 10'00″

Audio Duration
Photo Credit
World Bank/Nugroho Nurdikiawan Sunjoyo