Global perspective Human stories

The Lid is On

UN Photo

'Film can change the world': The Lid is On, with Gillian Anderson

A “weapon of change” against the global scourge of human trafficking: that’s how the director of the film that’s the focus of our latest podcast, hopes his movie that’s fuelling a movement, will be used.

SOLD is the story of one 13-year-old Nepalese girl’s journey into sexual slavery, and eventual emancipation.

One of the stars of SOLD, Gillian Anderson, the actress best-known for her role in television’s X-Files, says it’s a shining example of how “film can change the world”.

UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

Three comedians walk into the UN: Our seriously funny new podcast

You’ve heard all the jokes about comedians walking into a bar, but what happens when a trio of self-described “chuckleheads” dedicated to fighting climate change, walk into the UN?

We recorded the result, for our latest episode of The Lid Is On, UN Radio’s new podcast series.

Jason Sudeikis, Josh Gad and Maya Rudolph are the stars of The Angry Birds Movie, due to be released in May.


The Lid is On: Oscar-nominated "Brooklyn" proves perfect platform for UN Radio podcast

The decision by the star of Oscar-nominated movie, Brooklyn, to accept the UN’s invitation to visit, provided the perfect opportunity for UN Radio to pilot its first full-fledged podcast.

The moving story about one young woman’s migration from small-town Ireland to Brooklyn, New York, in the early 1950s, led to a screening and discussion on the whole issue of modern migration and the refugee crisis, at UN Headquarters in New York, earlier this month.
