Global perspective Human stories

UN Catch-Up Dateline Geneva

UN Catch-Up Dateline Geneva – Ultrarunner Fernanda Maciel talks World Humanitarian Day

In this week’s show, an inspiring encounter with an ultrarunner who’s moving mountains to save the climate – or at least running up and down them; a report on rights abuses in Central African Republic during the country’s elections, latest data on global refugee resettlement numbers, a good news update on coronavirus vaccine shipments bound for Africa, and a call for accountability for the people of Lebanon.


UN Catch-Up Dateline Geneva - Child labour in Cambodia, Tokyo Games and COVID-19 latest in Africa

In today’s show, solutions to child labour in Cambodia where one teenager has a dream; over in Tokyo, UN health agency chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus wishes the Olympic Games well but reminds us COVID-19 is racing ahead, particularly in Africa; also in the news, the High Commissioner for Human Rights issues an alert about the apparently widespread use of spy software.


UN Catch-Up Dateline Geneva – Refugee vaccination, tackling systemic racism and Tigray

In this week’s show, if you’re a refugee, how do you get a COVID vaccine? We hear about the challenges and what’s being done to overcome them. Also, the UN rights chief leads a call for an end to systemic racism at the Human Rights Council, as the forum also pushes for urgent action on the worsening situation in Ethiopia’s Tigray, where humanitarians are pleading for quicker aid access. These stories and more, in this week’s UN Catch-Up Dateline Geneva podcast, with Daniel Johnson, and Solange Behoteguy Cortes. Thanks for listening.


UN Catch-Up Dateline Geneva – Climate change scare for business, COVID’s $2.4 trillion tourism hit and Tigray alert

In this week’s show, the worrying rise of internet blackouts to stifle dissent and why going green is a matter of survival for small firms. Also, the pandemic’s $2.4 trillion hit to global tourism, what new migrant worker numbers tell us about the world economy - and an alert over the humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia’s Tigray region. That’s all coming up in this week’s UN Catch-Up Dateline Geneva.


UN Catch-Up Dateline Geneva – ‘Smart’ killer drones, drought and domestic workers’ worsening plight

In this week’s 15-minute podcast, we enter the murky world of so-called intelligent drone strike technology and concerns about their proliferation in an interview with the UN Institute for Disarmament Research. Also, an alert over Africa’s third COVID wave, a new UN report likening drought to a new pandemic and a warning over the plight of millions of domestic workers, from the UN labour agency ILO. Also, we’ll have closing comments from regular guest, Solange Behoteguy Cortes.


UN Catch-Up Dateline Geneva – Animals in lockdown, Tigray and COVID vaccine alert for Africa


In this week’s UN Catch-Up, we’re getting in touch with the natural world – a photo contest showing what animals make of COVID lockdowns…Plus, the week’s top news stories from UN News, including likely famine in Ethiopia’s Tigray and alarming coronavirus vaccine shortfalls in nearly all African nations. I’m your host in Geneva, Daniel Johnson, and regular guest Solange Behoteguy-Cortes is with us too for closing comments. Thanks for listening.


UN Catch-Up Dateline Geneva – DR Congo volcano aid operation

In this week’s 15-minute UN Catch-Up podcast, we hear from the UN aid team that’s been caught up in the terrifying volcanic eruption in DR Congo’s Goma city. Plus, the week’s top news stories from UN News, covering Ethiopia’s Tigray, COVID in Africa and a global biodiversity regeneration call. With Daniel Johnson and Solange Behoteguy-Cortes. Thanks for listening.


UN Catch-Up Dateline Geneva - New expo shakes up aid preconceptions, plus a roundup of the week's news

In this week’s 15-minute podcast we hear about a bold new exhibition at the Red Cross Museum in Geneva that’s looking to shake up preconceptions about what humanitarians do and should be doing, plus coverage of the week’s top stories, including the latest on the Mount Nyiragongo volcanic eruption in eastern DR Congo, a new warning about global warming, and the Human Rights Council’s vote to launch a high-level inquiry into ‘systematic’ abuses in Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel.
