UN, Daniel Pearl Foundation, Museum of Jewish Heritage plan concert series
The United Nations has announced plans to collaborate in organizing a series of concerts next week in New York at the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust as part of the Daniel Pearl World Music Days named for the Wall Street Journal reporter who was kidnapped and murdered by terrorists in Pakistan in early 2002.
On 8, 9 and 10 October, Israeli artist Idan Raichel will perform as part of the event, one of many Daniel Pearl Music Days being held in October around the world in memory of the slain journalist.
UN officials associated with the concert series said the Holocaust and the UN Outreach Programme lends its support to the Daniel Pearl Foundation and the Museum of Jewish Heritage to celebrate the continuing triumph of tolerance and diversity through the universal language of music.
The Holocaust and the UN Outreach Programme, called for by the General Assembly, involves civil society partners in Holocaust remembrance and education, in order to help to prevent future acts of genocide.
The programme is currently organizing training seminars on the lessons of the Holocaust for UN staff from over 60 offices worldwide and has created “Electronic Notes for Speakers,” an online pedagogical tool for educators and UN Member States to assist them in developing educational programmes.