UN counter-terrorism body launches online information assistance
The technical assistance matrix provides potential donors with a snapshot of where assistance is still needed by States in implementing Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) and the relevant provisions of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, according to the Executive Director of CTED, Assistant Secretary-General Javier Rupérez.
Resolution 1373 (2001) was adopted in the wake of the 11 September 2001 attacks in New York and Washington, D.C., and calls on countries to adopt a series of counter-terrorism measures in their national legislation. The Global Strategy, meanwhile, was an initiative of the General Assembly that brings together the various counter-terrorism activities of the UN system under a common strategic approach.
The matrix – accessible through the Committee’s website at www.un.org/sc/ctc – gives potential donors a comprehensive overview on a country-by-country basis, from a regional perspective or by technical assistance subject area. It also provides information about assistance either currently or previously provided by other international and regional organizations, the UN system and Member States.
“We see the matrix as a valuable tool in helping donors to decide how best to develop their own counter-terrorism programmes and where it might be most useful to focus their efforts, in part to avoid duplication, since it highlights where assistance has already been matched and provided,” Mr. Rupérez added.
As part of its work to facilitate technical assistant to States, CTED seeks to line up countries needing support with the various counter-terrorism programmes donors and organizations have available in such areas as drafting terrorism-related legislation, financial law and practice, training for law enforcement personnel, customs control and enhancing financial regulations.