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DR of Congo: UN-backed talks agree on principles for transitional government

DR of Congo: UN-backed talks agree on principles for transitional government

The parties to the conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), who have been holding informal consultations with a United Nations and South African mediation team since October, have agreed to form a transitional government based on inclusivity, nation-building, accountability and respect for the territorial integrity of the DRC.

The parties agreed to pay particular attention to security issues, especially in regard to the safety of political leaders who are expected to move to Kinshasa, and to bring the different armed forces under one joint command, according to a communiqué released on Saturday following the conclusion of the talks in South Africa. The parties will also continue discussions on the modalities to be adopted to reach the goal of inclusivity.

Under the plan, a military and security committee will be set to propose measures to ensure the security of political leaders, guarantee that the different armed forces are brought under one joint control prior to the inauguration of the transition government and propose guidelines to make certain that the security services are impartial and accountable to the transitional government.

A political committee will also be formed to make recommendations on how to distribute ministries among the parties and make diplomatic missions inclusive. The plans also call for a technical committee to conduct a needs analysis and propose guidelines to ensure that State corporations are accountable to the government, and a drafting committee to write the transitional Constitution and other needed legal documents.

According to the communiqué, each committee will be composed of two representatives per component and one per entity and will begin work from 28 November to 6 December in Pretoria. All the negotiators are expected to reconvene in Pretoria on 9 December to finalize their work by 14 December.