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Kosovo: economic advisory body to UN Mission discusses gambling regulation

Kosovo: economic advisory body to UN Mission discusses gambling regulation

An economic advisory body to the United Nations Interim Administration in Kosovo (UNMIK) has begun debate on unregulated gambling activities in the province.

An economic advisory body to the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) has begun debate on unregulated gambling activities in the province.

The Economic and Fiscal Council, which advises the head of UNMIK on economic, financial and fiscal issues, took positive note yesterday of UN envoy Michael Steiner's decision to issue an administrative direction to regulate gambling activities in Kosovo. The directive will be a temporary solution until the Kosovo Assembly adopts a law on the issue.

The Council also discussed the draft legislation on Public Financial Management and Accountability, which deals with the budget systems.

While affirming the importance of the legislation's objectives, the Council noted concerns about the impact on the reserved powers of the head of UNMIK and agreed to have Mr. Sadriu and a senior UNMIK official, Andy Bearpark, seek ways to resolve those concerns.