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UN development agency for women forms panel to bridge ‘digital divide’ in Africa

UN development agency for women forms panel to bridge ‘digital divide’ in Africa

Aiming to bridge the “digital divide” in Africa, the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) today announced the formation of a new panel of experts to help the agency provide the continent’s female entrepreneurs with access to information and communications technology (ICT).

“Through this programme, we hope that African women in business will be able to link their imaginations and skills to the information world through the click of a mouse,” said UNIFEM Executive Director Noeleen Heyzer.

According to the agency, Africa has over 700 million people but is home to only one per cent of the world’s Internet users. The new committee, comprised of African information technology experts, representatives from the private sector and UN officials, will help UNIFEM provide training for African women’s organizations and business associations on the use of ICT.