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At ‘ground zero’ in New York, Security Council members vow to fight terror

At ‘ground zero’ in New York, Security Council members vow to fight terror

After a visit to “ground zero” -- the site of the 11 September terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center -- members of the United Nations Security Council today reiterated their commitment to pursue the fight against terrorism.

“It was a very moving experience for those of us who had not previously been and for those who had also been here before,” the Council President, Ambassador Patricia Durrant of Jamaica, told the press.

Ambassador Durrant said witnessing the destruction first-hand strengthened the members’ resolve to fight terrorism. “It certainly reinforced the commitment of the Security Council to carry out the resolutions which we have adopted in regard to international terrorism,” she said.

Council members, who had visited the site at the invitation of the United States Mission to the UN, “came away with a very strong impression of the fact that these persons who were involved in these heinous acts were able to make in such a short time such an impression on so many lives not only on the people here in New York but across the world,” she added.

Extending condolences to those who had suffered as a result of the terrorist attacks, Ambassador Durrant said Council members reiterated their sympathy “with the victims both here in New York and the families across the world that have been so terribly affected by the events of September 11th.”