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Middle East

A Palestinian family flees Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip.
© UNICEF/Eyad El Baba

Gaza: Nearly 800,000 now displaced from Rafah

Roughly 800,000 people have been forced to flee Rafah since Israel launched a military operation in the area on 6 May, the head of UN Palestine refugee agency UNRWA said on Saturday in a renewed appeal for greater protection of civilians in Gaza, safe humanitarian access and, ultimately, a ceasefire.

A view of the International Court of Justice courtroom at The Hague in the case of South Africa v. Israel.
© ICJ/Wendy van Bree

Israel refutes South Africa’s accusations at UN world court

The UN International Court of Justice (ICJ), on Friday, heard the response from Israel on the case brought forward by South Africa requesting emergency provisional measures to immediately halt Israeli military operations under way in Rafah, in southern Gaza, where over one million Palestinians were sheltering after having been displaced from elsewhere in the enclave.