Global perspective Human stories

UN and Africa: focus on UN peacekeeping, post-conflict Liberia and African refugees

UN and Africa: focus on UN peacekeeping, post-conflict Liberia and African refugees


Terrorism, violent extremism require more nimble peacekeeping response

A deadly ambush of UN peacekeepers in Mali just a few days ago has highlighted the dangerous landscape in which many blue helmets have to operate. The UN Security Council has been looking at ways to strengthen support to field missions so that they can better respond to threats such as terrorism, violent extremism and organized crime. Dianne Penn reports.

Greg Hinds speaking to Daniel Dickinson. Photo: UN Radio

Corruption “biggest challenge” for post-conflict Liberia

Corruption remains the “biggest challenge” for Liberia as it continues its recovery from a brutal civil war. That’s according to the Police Commissioner of the UN peacekeeping mission there. UNMIL has been supporting the West African country since 2003 following the end of the conflict, but as long-term peace and stability returns, the mission has been drawing down and handing security responsibilities over to national authorities. Daniel Dickinson has been speaking to Police Commissioner Greg Hinds at UN Headquarters in New York. He began by asking to what extent UNMIL has been a UN police and peacekeeping “success story”.

Refugees from Somalia. Photo: UNHCR/B.Bannon

African refugees in Egypt "forgotten" 

A "forgotten population" of refugees from across Africa is living in limbo in Egypt according to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). People who have fled turmoil and conflict in countries like Eritrea, Somalia and Sudan, and who are hoping to reach Europe are getting stranded in Egypt, while waiting to be certified as asylum-seekers. A large proportion of aid for the region is being directed towards refugees from Syria who have made their way to the North African country. Priyanka Shankar's report opens with the words of an asylum seeker from Sudan.

Presenter: Matthew Wells

Production Assistant: Sandra Guy

Duration: 10’00″

Audio Duration
Photo Credit
UN Photo