Global perspective Human stories

UN Gender Focus

UN Photo/Loey Felipe

“Virtuous” not “vicious” cycle needed to tackle poverty, gender equality

The “vicious cycle” where poverty feeds gender inequality within the world’s Least Developed Countries, LDCs, can become a “virtuous” one, if everyone embraces sustainable development.

That’s the view of Lakshmi Puri, Deputy Executive Director of UN Women, speaking just after the latest High Level review of LDCs’ progress, in Antalya, Turkey.

She stressed the importance of integrating gender equality, women’s empowerment, and poverty eradication efforts among the group of 48 nations.

World Bank

UN Gender Focus: gender equality in natural disasters, no women, no peace and women farmers

“Gender equality saves lives when disaster hits”

When natural disasters strike, a lack of gender equality can mean the difference between life and death. That’s according to Robert Glasser, head of the UN’ s disaster risk reduction office UNISDR. He’s one of more than 100 heads of UN agencies and international organisations who’ve signed up to the International Geneva Gender Champions initiative. Mr Glasser told Daniel Johnson why the issue is so important both within his organisation and in the field.
